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Sustainable Development Goal Keywords & Your Research 

What are the SDGs? 

  • The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are a call for action by all countries to reduce global inequalities, while also protecting the planet.  
  • Higher education institutions, such as York University, have developed strategies to advance the UN SDGs through their research, teaching, and learning. 

Getting Help

  • Email for help with learning more about the UN SDGs and applying these keywords to your scholarship. 

How can SDG Keywords Improve your Research Visibility? 

  • Helps increase the discoverability of your research outputs.  
  • UN SDG keywords are used by some research databases to index and categorize research outputs (e.g., Scopus, Dimensions, Web of Science, etc.).  
  • Links your research to other similar works and may improve your author H-Index.

Adding Author Supplied SDG Keywords to your Research Outputs 

  • Step 1: Copy & paste your abstract into the OSDG classification tool to determine which SDG labels align with your work.
  • Step 2: Consult the following checklist to find more specific SDG keywords that accurately represent your research: 
  • Step 3: Still not finding keywords that work? Contact York University Libraries at for additional suggestions. 

Tips for Highlighting Your SDG Research at York