Wall Maps
Wall maps are currently in storage. A complete listing arranged by call number can be found in this listing. To borrow or view these maps, please contact gislib@yorku.ca, or visit the Map Library.
The booklet collection is located opposite the Map Library Service Desk on the left-hand side of the Map Library. Most of these booklets are text materials that accompany sheet maps. Booklets have the same call number as the maps they supplement. Booklets are listed by call number in the Booklet Holdings List. The Holdings List is located in a binder on top of map cabinet #1
Travel & General Information
The travel and general information vertical files are located near the entrance of the Map Library. These files include an alphabetical arrangement of pamphlet material covering various geographic areas of the world. Most of this material is acquired through donations.
The complete listing of our travel and general information is located in the PDF links below. The materials are divided by geographical area and topic.
- Canada
- Ontario
- United States
- North & South America and the Caribbean
- Europe
- Africa
- Asia
- Australia/Oceania
- World and Other Regions