Location & Hours
The Map Library is located on the first floor of the Scott Library. As you enter the Scott Library, turn right, go past the escalator, and the Map Library is straight ahead.
Room 102 Scott Library
4700 Keele Street
North York, ON
M3J 1P3
Telephone: 416-736-2100 ext. 33353
Visit the Library Operations page for the current hours.
Study Space
The Map Library offers a number of tables for silent study space. Tables are also available for using maps and other resources. There are several computers with Geographic Information System applications and software, and a scanner available. Students using ArcGIS are given priority to the computers. To see the layout of the Map Library, please click on the link to the floor plan.
Food and drinks are not allowed while using the map collection, and this policy is strongly monitored. There is an exception for water in spill-proof bottles.
Rosa Orlandini (rorlan@yorku.ca), Data Services Librarian.
Contact for Map Library collections / acquisitions, Bibliographic Instruction. Consultation appointments for maps, geospatial data, data, and statistics.
Alexandra Wong (wongalex@yorku.ca), Data Visualization and Analytics Librarian.
Contact for Map Library collections / acquisitions, Bibliographic Instruction. Consultation appointments for maps, geospatial data, data, and statistics.
If you have any questions regarding geospatial data, please email gislib@yorku.ca, or visit our Geospatial Research Guide or Map and Atlases Research Guide.