Submitting Your YorkU Thesis or Dissertation
The Faculty of Graduate Studies manages the submissions process for Theses and Dissertations. Learn more about the process by visiting their pages:
- Master's Thesis Submission (click on the "How to Submit" tab)
- Doctoral Dissertation Submission (click on the "How to Submit" tab)

Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
As of September 2013, York University Electronic Theses and Dissertations are hosted in the YorkSpace repository.
- YorkU Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) 2013-current
- International Theses and Dissertations (including York pre-2013 theses and dissertations)
Frequently Asked Questions
Found a typo in your thesis/dissertation? Need to edit your ETD in YorkSpace?
As theses and dissertations are official university records managed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. As such, FGS will need to be contacted directly with questions or requests for edits at one of two emails.
If your program is based out of the following faculties, use (gradtd1@yorku.ca):
- School of Arts, Media, Performance & Design
- Faculty of Education
- Glendon
- Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (all except Professional Programs)
- Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS-Lassonde)
If your program is based out of the following faculties, use (gradtd2@yorku.ca):
- Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change
- Faculty of Health
- Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (Professional Programs only)
- Lassonde School of Engineering (minus EECS)
- Osgoode Hall Law School
- Schulich School of Business
- Faculty of Science
Once approval from FGS is communicated to the Libraries, an edit can be made in YorkSpace.
Have questions about your thesis or dissertation being visible online?
Please visit the Masters Thesis submission or Doctoral Dissertation submission pages, click on the "How to Submit" tab, and scroll down to the "FGS Policy for Delay of Publication / Restricted Access in YorkSpace" where you will find a link to the "Request to Delay" publication form.
Interested in licensing your ETD with ProQuest?
While YorkSpace is specially designed for the broadest dissemination of scholarship, some authors may also choose to license access to their ETD via ProQuest. Please visit the Licensing your ETD via ProQuest webpage to learn more.