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Libraries News

York University Libraries: Supports for Graduate Students

York University Libraries: Supports for Graduate Students

York University Libraries play a vital role in helping graduate students achieve their academic goals. Although COVID-19 means that many things about our campuses have changed this year, academic librarians, archivists and library staff continue to work hard to make sure that you have uninterrupted access to the resources, collections, services and guidance you need […]

York University Libraries book bin has moved

York University Libraries book bin has moved

With the cold weather coming, the book return bin previously located at the William Small Centre has been relocated to the colonnade covered hallway just outside of the Student Centre (West Entrance) as of Nov. 2, 2020. This location will protect the bin from winter weather and make the process of dropping off books a […]

Stacy Allison-Cassin to present at Indigenous Data Ownership webinar

Stacy Allison-Cassin to present at Indigenous Data Ownership webinar

York University Teaching and Learning Librarian Stacy Allison-Cassin is part of a webinar panel presenting on Indigenous data ownership on Oct. 22 from 1 - 2:00 p.m. Hosted by Research Data Canada, the talk will focus on Indigenous data ownership in the context of Canadian First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities. Speakers representing a range of […]

Libraries hosts panel discussion on 'Honouring Indigenous Ways of Knowing'

Libraries hosts panel discussion on 'Honouring Indigenous Ways of Knowing'

Research and scholarship are intimately connected to teaching and learning in higher education. However, in relation to Indigenous peoples, cultures and communities in Canada, these practices have been extractive, largely controlled by, and beneficial to the researcher and not Indigenous communities, and lacking reciprocity. The path to reconciliation with Indigenous communities and research and scholarship […]

York University Libraries Online Services featured in #YUBLOG

York University Libraries Online Services featured in #YUBLOG

A recent blog post on #YUBLOG by Deea Deb highlights the comprehensive amount of Library resources that can be accessed online.  If you require further information on current Library services please consult our updates on resources and services here. The Library is continuing to safely expand our services to the York community in accordance with the University’s Phased […]

Book Return Bin Now in Place at the Keele Campus

Book Return Bin Now in Place at the Keele Campus

York community members and others who have borrowed library materials are not required to return books during the COVID-19 outbreak, and fines will not accrue during this period. If you do receive any fines/charges, please contact the Libraries when they re-open and the charges will be waived, or contact If you would like to […]

Fall Deadline for Booking Library Classes. Communication from the Dean of Libraries to Instructors.

Fall Deadline for Booking Library Classes. Communication from the Dean of Libraries to Instructors.

As communicated on July 20th, course instructors can book a librarian or archivist to lead a range of online classes, from assignment- or course-based workshops to research data management and digital literacies. Please contact us to arrange a class tailored to your course and curricular needs. For fall term and year-long courses, please book by […]

Fall Planning at York University Libraries. Communication from the Dean of Libraries to Instructors and Graduate Students

Fall Planning at York University Libraries. Communication from the Dean of Libraries to Instructors and Graduate Students

This post contains content from a York email communication sent out to instructors and graduate students by the Dean of Libraries on July 20th, 2020 In preparation for the Fall semester, York University Libraries (YUL) has adapted its services to support online learning and research. This communication provides an overview of YUL resources and answers some […]

Black Lives Matter, Civil Rights, & Racism in Canada: Collection Discovery

Black Lives Matter, Civil Rights, & Racism in Canada: Collection Discovery

In response to the intense mobilization worldwide around the loss of Black lives, and the lives of other racialized persons, the Libraries have made a collection of materials on Black Lives Matter, the Civil Rights Movement, racism in Canada, anti-oppression education, and white privilege easily discoverable by students, staff and faculty. A very small collection […]