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Libraries News

Inaugural issue of student-run journal online now

Inaugural issue of student-run journal online now

The School of Health Policy & Management in the Faculty of Health has just published the University’s first online undergraduate academic journal hosted by York Digital Journals  – Healthy Dialogue. An annual publication, Healthy Dialogue will feature original articles written by undergraduate students in the School of Health Policy & Management related to all aspects of health […]

The Learning Commons launches Access to Success video series

The Learning Commons launches Access to Success video series

  Sept. 18, 2012 - When asked to write a 10-page essay, or find credible and accurate research sources, or balance academic responsibilities effectively, students often don’t know where to begin. The Learning Commons – a collaborative partnership between the Writing Department, York University Libraries, Learning Skills Services, and Career Services – has produced a […]

The Learning Commons' architectural design featured in Spacing Toronto

The Learning Commons' architectural design featured in Spacing Toronto

  Sept. 5, 2012 - Excerpt courtesy of, NO MEAN CITY: York University Learning Commons, by Levitt Goodman Architects in Spacing Toronto. It “is not so much about books as about bringing together all the student supports on campus - and giving a place for students to work together,” says James, who led the design team. […]

Collaboration helps students develop information literacy skills

Collaboration helps students develop information literacy skills

  Aug. 9, 2012 - "Generation Y” has been dubbed the most tech-savvy generation on record, but despite being submersed in Internet and web-based culture from an early age, researchers from the Ethnographic Research in Illinois Academic Libraries (ERIAL) project suggest that many GenY students have yet to develop adequate information literacy skills. York University Libraries […]

Digital projects & outreach archivist, Anna St.Onge, quoted in the Ottawa Citizen

Digital projects & outreach archivist, Anna St.Onge, quoted in the Ottawa Citizen

  July 7, 2012 - Excerpt courtesy of the Ottawa Citizen, "The memory-keeper's dilemma" Anna St. Onge, York University’s Archivist in charge of digital projects and outreach, says librarians and archivists are acutely aware of the challenges — and the opportunities — the Internet presents to their respective fields. However, St. Onge cautions that Caron […]

Maps dating back to 16th century donated to York

Maps dating back to 16th century donated to York

July 5, 2012 Courtesy of YFile Maps have a fascination that brings people together in a common admiration of their technical and artistic quality, and for the information that can be revealed by them through careful analysis, says geography Professor Emeritus William Found, a Fellow of York’s Centre for Research on Latin America & the […]

York Business Librarian validates altmetrics for research impact evaluation

York Business Librarian validates altmetrics for research impact evaluation

June 6, 2012 - Business librarian Xuemei Li has become one of the first librarians to ever have a study validating the usefulness of altmetrics published in an academic journal. Her first research study was published in April, 2012 in Scientometrics and Li’s second study was accepted by the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators […]

18th century Bible acquired by Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections

18th century Bible acquired by Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections

  May 22, 2012 - Two hundred years after its printing a copy of John Baskerville’s folio edition of the Holy Bible – one of only 1,250 printed in Cambridge, England in 1763 – made its way to Canada. That same rare Bible was transferred by Richard Tottenham to York University Libraries’ (YUL) Clara Thomas […]

Finnish-Canadian “memories” donated to Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections

Finnish-Canadian “memories” donated to Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections

May 10, 2012 York University professor Varpu Lindström is known as a “memory keeper” in Finnish-Canadian communities. What’s extraordinary about the “memories” that Lindström keeps is that they aren’t just hers – they are reminiscences of many Finns who immigrated to Canada in the 1880s to early 1900s as a result of economic depression and […]