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Home » Posts tagged '#BBLlove' (Page 2)


Gettin' Your Workshop On!

Gettin' Your Workshop On!

Kim Stymest, Business Librarian, Bronfman Business Library Published Wednesday September 18, 2013 This week here at BBL, we are super excited to be announcing a bunch of workshops coming up! Some are ones that we've offered before, but some are completely new! Here’s what we’ve got on offer this term – follow the links below […]

The Times They Are a Changin’

The Times They Are a Changin’

(Title Credit: Bob Dylan, Jan. 13 1964, Columbia Studios) Sophie Bury, Business Librarian & Head, Bronfman Business Library Published Wednesday August 28, 2013 So you talked and we listened! During the most recent academic year the Schulich student body and the Office of the Dean of Schulich communicated a strong interest in longer Bronfman Business […]

So much #BBLlove

So much #BBLlove

Kim Stymest, Business Librarian, Bronfman Business Library Published Wednesday July 17th, 2013 We got some love the other day online (wahoo!), and I think that these two posts bring to light a really important issue about our space here at Bronfman: not only is it beautiful and well suited for study, but it's open to […]