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No not the winged creature of the night... but the Bloomberg Assessment Test. Employers find undergraduates, MBAs and recently graduated students for financial jobs and internships, based on their Bloomberg Assessment Test (BAT) scores. The BAT is a 3-hour exam designed to uncover knowledge and skills relevant for a financial career.  Employers can filter by […]

Welcome to our library

Welcome to our library

Summer is over, even though it doesn't feel like it as I write this.  (33 degrees- relative humidity 44 ). It's been a great summer but we are looking forward to the Fall term.  Welcome to all new business students and welcome back to all returning students. Let me tell you what's new or changed.  Library Workstation Access  AcadLabs […]

Course Evaluations

Course Evaluations

Want to see the course evaluations from students who have taken a Schulich School of Business BBA or MBA course in the last three years? Ask at the circulation desk in the Bronfman Business library for the course evaluation by semester, year and either BBA or MBA. To see what is available, go to […]

Past exams from Schulich courses

Past exams from Schulich courses

We often get asked if we have copies of old exams. We don't, but Schulich students should look here on the Schulich portal: MBA tests BBA tests Not all past exams are there, but that's the place to go to find whatever old exams are available.