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Data: why its important and where to find it

Data: why its important and where to find it

I read an interesting post on data recently by Clive Thompson on "Why we should learn the language of data.  He ends the article by stating that "Statistics is the new grammar".  And while I agree with the sentiment, it gives me pause, as we haven't done too well with English grammar in my humble […]

Bronfman Business Library Top 10

Bronfman Business Library Top 10

2009 was an active year in the Bronfman Business Library and we made changes which I think have been of benefit to the students, faculty and staff who visit the library, either in person or virtually.  I asked the staff to identify their top ten changes and here is the list in no particular order.  […]

Printing - the new spectator sport

Printing - the new spectator sport

I would never have thought that printing would become a spectator sport but it has!  It is not a popular sport however, and I hope to eradicate it quickly. The problems with printing (it has always been slow when processing lengthy jobs and ones with a lot of graphics) were intensified when we added two […]



The Bronfman Business Library staff welcome students new to York University and welcome back all returning students.  We hope you had a great summer and we wish you success in your studies. Toni, Meghan and I have had the pleasure of meeting some of  you at a number of library orientation sessions.  However I know […]

A frog jumps in

A frog jumps in

It's a quiet Friday afternoon, the first Friday of summer, and my thoughts turn to what a change from the last time I posted to this blog.  It was March and we were in the midst of surviving what was truly a brutal spring for a variety of reasons.  It is so peaceful in the […]