Recent Acquisitions, July 18 - July 25, 2016
Recent Acquisitions, July 18 - July 25, 2016
6 new acquisitions in Peter F. Bronfman Business Library, including 3 from 2016:
6 new acquisitions in Peter F. Bronfman Business Library, including 3 from 2016:
2 new acquisitions in Peter F. Bronfman Business Library, including 1 from 2016:
1 new acquisition in Peter F. Bronfman Business Library, including 1 from 2016:
Stop by the Bronfman Library and check out our newest book display on nonprofit organizations! Not only are nonprofits rewarding and challenging workplaces to be a part of, they also require unique management, leadership, and outreach skills. Our book display highlights a number of books from our collection that will help you learn about key […]
14 new acquisitions in Peter F. Bronfman Business Library, including 8 from 2016: