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2M Milestone

2M Milestone

It doesn't seem that long ago when we were eagerly awaiting the first person to come into the new Bronfman Business Library and now we are celebrating the 2 millionth person!

The Library opened September 2003 and we celebrated our 1 millionth visitor on September 5, 2007.  It took us 4 years to reach this milestone.

We reached the 2 millionth milestone on November 19th, 2010 when Sabrina Stan, a Schulich School of Business 4th year accounting student walked through our doors.  This time it only took a little over 3 years to get there!   It is always a pleasure for me to walk through the Library and to see it filled to capacity because this tells me that the students find it a welcoming environment in which to work.  Either that or they are desperate for a place to study but I still like my interpretation best.


David Clink, our Circulation Coordinator and prognosticator of major events, and I greeted Sabrina.   We presented her with Dr. James Gillies newly published memoir From Vision to Reality. Dr. Gillies is the founding Dean of this Faculty, originally known as the Faculty of Administrative Studies and the book covers the period 1965-1972.  by the way it is a great read and I recommend it highly.  You can borrow it from the Library HD 30.42 C3 G54 2010 or purchase it at the Trading Floor.

I am always happy to hear from students about how we can make the Bronfman Business Library even better so email me or put your suggestion in the suggestion box on the counter at the front of the Library.  I can't promise to do what you ask but I value your ideas.  For example, the music you hear at closing time was the suggestion of one of our students and it replaced the public announcements which some students found annoying.    By the way the music is Leonard Cohen's Closing Time.

I wonder when we can expect our 3M student?