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April is the cruellest month

April is the cruellest month

Some of you may recognize the title of this blog as being the first line in T. S. Eliot's poem The Waste Land.  For the rest of you - does this line resonate with your current condition?

I can always feel the shift in the atmosphere as March ends and we move to April.  Students are tense and over-tired from finishing assignments and preparing for exams, not to mention worrying about employment!

This year has been particularly cruel as we enjoyed a few days of summer temperatures and warming sunlight only to be thrust back to dull skies and chilly temperatures.  The Schulich School of Business courtyard, which just last week was full of energy and socializing is empty now.  Well just as well I guess, as it's crunch time and as much as it's great to have some diversions, is it wise to be tempted at this time of year?

Hang in there!   Only a few more weeks and this term will be over.

If the library staff can help in any way with your research needs we are here for you.  You can come to the reference desk, email us, phone us 416-736-5139 or chat with us via our chat reference service

Good luck on your exams and finishing your assignments.