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What happened to the fall semester?

What happened to the fall semester?

I am horrified to see that I haven't posted anything since last May!  Is anyone still bothering to visit this blog?

It's not that things haven't been happening but rather that too much is going on and I seem to be continually playing catch-up.  But enough whining on my part.  Let me up-date you.

Xuemei Li joined out staff in August.  She has an MLIS from University of British Columbia, PhD (Webometrics) and MSc (Computing) from University of Wolverhampton, UK and B.A (Economics) from China.  In addition to sharing general reference work, Xuemei is taking over the responsibility of building our finance collection and supporting finance students including those of you who have WRDS accounts. I have enjoyed working with finance students and faculty and I know I leave you in good hands with Xuemei.

We are subscribing to IBISWorld. This database includes US and global industry reports and a business environment database. Many of the industry reports are for smaller industries not included in Mergent, and Datamonitor 360 etc.

SSB students participated in the BAT (Bloomberg Assessment Test) for the first time.  We expect the results late in December.  We are looking at participating again in April.

If you haven't checked out our Business Online A-Z list you may find some databases that are new to you.

We've updated our Research Videos to reflect changes in databases such as Investext.

Our IM chat reference service continues to be very popular but your tolerance for waiting for service is decreasing.  Please be patient and give us more than 30 seconds to respond.  We are often multi-tasking and may have someone at the reference desk.  You can access our IM chat reference service from Look for the BizResearch dialog box on the left side of the screen.  We are available during reference hours.

For those of you who are MAC users, I have some bad news.  Investext will not work on your MACs.  I checked with Thomson Reuters, the database provider and they have confirmed that it only works with IE browser.  They have no plans to expand service to other browsers such as Safari.  You will need to login to one of our public workstations unfortunately.

Well I think I've covered what 's new.  I will be updating this blog much more frequently.

Good luck with your exams.