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Congratulations to all of our graduating students.  We know how hard you have worked and the sacrifices you have made.  You made it!  Now you have time to spend with family and friends who have supported you and to make new friends, travel, read something just for fun, take up a hobby or just relax and do nothing for a little while.

Some of you may be jumping right into a new job or returning to your work with a sense of renewal and energy.  No doubt you have lots of ideas to try out and share.  Have fun - you've earned it!

Our staff at the Bronfman Business Library have gotten to know many of you and we hope you will keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.

But going forward what can you expect from the York University Libraries?

After you get your alumni card you can save 75% off the cost of getting an annual library card.   To get a library card, please bring your alumni card to any circulation desk and for an annual fee of $25 you can borrow print materials from any of York's libraries.  Unfortunately we cannot provide remote access to our databases because of our license agreements with the vendors.  You can however, get a one day guest account that allows you to access the databases from library workstations for personal research only.

If you have research questions, our research staff will offer advice on resources that are freely available on the Internet and that may help you find the information you are seeking.

And this is a gentle reminder that if you have any outstanding library fines please pay the fine as your diploma will not be issued if you have any unpaid  fines and this includes parking fines.

To quote T. S. Eliot " What we call the beginning is often the end/ And to make an end is to make a beginning/ The end is where we start from"

My wish for you is that the end of your education at the Schulich School of Business or whichever Faculty you call your home faculty, be the beginning of a fantastic career in your chosen field.

Well done!