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What's new in the collection?

What's new in the collection?

We are always adding new books and electronic resources to the collection so I thought it was time to highlight some recent acquisitions.

Do you know that we have a "Bestsellers" collection? It is located on the wooden bookshelves in the fireplace lounge area of the library. This small collection reflects the latest bestsellers on business topics and includes titles such as: Business the Richard Branson Way; A Class with Drucker; The Global Brain: your roadmap for innovating faster and smarter in a networked world; Online Marketing Heroes: interviews with 25 successful marketing gurus; Grande Expectations: a year in the life of Starbucks stock; to name but a few.  You can find the complete list here.

International students may be interested in using the Oxford Language Dictionaries Online.  Choose from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish dictionaries to translate to and from English.  Also included are useful phrases, a calendar of holidays and festivals, hints about the language and other useful information.  Sometimes sample sentences using the terminology you selected, are included.

And if you still haven't tried out Books 24X7, what are you waiting for?  See the earlier post on Books 24X7.