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Librarian vs Mouse - Rounds 2 and 3

Librarian vs Mouse - Rounds 2 and 3

This is not an easy tale to tell but for those of you who want to know the outcome of this epic battle, read on.

Round 2

I baited the traps with choice peanut butter, the crunchy nut filled variety that Heather recommended and placed it in its migratory path. The mouse enjoyed the peanut butter immensely and ate several helpings. Then Dat informed me he had witnessed the mouse with his head in the mouse trap delicately lapping up the last lingering bits of peanut butter. Naturally I assumed the trap was faulty but not being a complete fool (although I was beginning to doubt myself), I tested it with a light tap of a spoon handle and it snapped shut vigorously. After some discussion with the staff, Bill suggested that we should try to trap the mouse and then donate it to the Science Dept as this mouse was clearly a specimen worthy of study for the gene which enabled its superior survival skills. I decided to stop feeding the mouse as he was clearly winning. Savi decided to up the ante and moth balls were strewn about. Staff fled but the mouse perservered. I conceded Round 2 to the mouse and went on holiday for a week.

Round 3

Upon my return after the long Victoria day weekend I went into the staff room and was appalled by the stench which assaulted my nostrils. I asked around and was informed that the mouse lay dead between the cushions of a chair. How had he come to this sad end? I can only surmise that he was taking a nap and someone sat on the chair and smothered him. I cannot claim victory. In fact the victory belongs to the mouse, even in death. I had to remove him and ask the cleaning staff to shampoo the chair. It still smelled. I brought in my own cleaner and a brush and scrubbed and scrubbed but after 4 days the chair still smells and I have removed it. The smell haunts Savi and I even when we leave work! Clearly the mouse is having his revenge. I am contemplating making offerings to the mouse spirit to free us from this curse.