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Librarian battles mouse

Librarian battles mouse

Librarian battles mouse - Mouse wins round one!

I am an animal lover and fond of mice who know their places.  However, I am also Head of the Library and it is my sworn duty to uphold the honour of the library against all comers, human or pawed.   

I ignored the little blighters in the winter months because I felt sorry for them but spring is here and it is time for them to go outside and enjoy nature, as should we all.  Hence I have told them they are no longer welcome but they have chosen to ignore me.  I say they but in truth I have only seen one very cute brown mouse but Savi tells me that one of them is enjoying eating the white blossomed plant that resides on her window.   The chewing can be heard by staff sitting desks away from Savi and I myself have heard the relentless chewing.??????  How the plant has survived this onslaught is beyond me.  So you can see why I have pitted myself against the mouse.?????? 

Now comes the humiliating part.  I purchased the superior trap (I tried the humane trap but the mouse refused to be civil) and baited it with peanut butter thinking it would be difficult for a mouse to eat sticky peanut butter and escape unscathed.  Sadly I misjudged the mouse.??????  Thrice now he has eaten the peanut butter and the trap has not been tripped.  I thought there must be something wrong with the trap and tapped it gently with a spoon handle and it clamped violently shut on the handle.  My worthy combatant is clearly a mouse of great skill and acumen.   ??????

It has now gotten to the point where a staff member was enjoying her lunch and the mouse came to within a short distance of her and looked at her. We think the mouse was expecting to be fed, perhaps as a reward for having won the battle.   

I cannot give up…. it is as I have said a point of honour.  I am reminded of the keeper in a poem I read many years ago - The grey squirrel

The bell has sounded for round two.