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March Maelstrom

March Maelstrom

Well it's almost the end of term and the mood in the library has shifted. It does this every year so it comes as no surprise to me. Deadlines are looming and students nerves are getting edgier. Noise that would have been tolerated a few weeks ago, has become a call to arms. I am getting complaints about not only the volume of noise in the library but the lack of respect one encounters. Groups are circling looking for a place to study. The competition for group study rooms has escalated. Students are draped about the library and the occasional one has even nodded off although how they can sleep with so many other students passing by is a mystery to me. I guess the answer is exhaustion.

The library staff have the decidedly unpleasant duty of trying to maintain an environment in which students can work together as well as to maintain an environment where those seeking a quiet place to work/study, may do so. The reason I describe this as "decidedly unpleasant" is because we really are not nags and take no pleasure in power games. We do however, feel strongly that there is a time and place for certain behaviour and March is a time to respect the needs of students to have a quiet place to work. The Seymour Schulich building offers a wide variety of places to socialize and relax but few where one can find a relatively quiet haven.

We ask that you participate in ensuring that the noise level is low by whispering when in groups and confining your social conversations to a minimum. Also please respect that there are students looking for spaces to work and don't take up prime real estate (i.e. chairs and passageways) by littering your possessions about. For example, place your jacket on back of the chair you are occupying and your materials on the floor.

The staff and I wish you success in completing this academic year and if you are graduating our wish for you is that you get the job you desire and a salary that makes all your efforts worthwhile.

It's just a little while longer, hang in there and when you feel like you are losing it, remember to take a few deep breaths to relax yourself and relieve the tension.

And don't forget if you need help with your research, you can stop by the reference desk, you can phone us 416-736-5139, you can email us at (24 hr turn around), or you can chat with us.