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Support for eLearning - Fully Online or Blended Courses

If you are teaching fully online courses , the reality is that you may not be seeing much of your students in person.  Although they may be registered in other traditional or blended courses, and have physical access to York's libraries, they may just as easily be enrolled in your course from another province or even another continent.  Below we've provided  some important information on how you can help your students access library collections and services even if they can't visit the campus in person:

What we offer now:

What we can also work with you to produce:

  • a course-related research guide can be created by your subject librarian. This can be used to highlight how the library can help with research for key assignments in your course(s).
  • instruction sessions using chat reference/conferencing software

For further information on any of these services, please contact Lisa Sloniowski (