Streaming films and videos
Films and videos located in the Scott Library
Streaming films and videos already listed in Omni
Streaming films and videos are listed in Omni and can be accessed off-campus by way of a proxy link that uses Passport York for authentication. If you plan on using a streaming film or video for class please check in advance that the link is working and email ( so that staff can ensure that the licence is up to date and any technical problems have been resolved beforehand.
Most of the films and videos are hosted on the following platforms so perusing them can give you an idea of what is available.
Alexander Street Press
Criterion on Demand
Curio (CBC)
Films on Demand (Business and Economics)
National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
Sage Video
New requests for streaming films and videos
If a streaming version of a film or video is required for classroom instruction and it is not listed in Omni as being available online, you can request that staff investigate options for online streaming. Often independent filmmakers and distributors will offer a digital licence with or without hosting options and library staff can acquire the licence and arrange for the video to be hosted and accessible through Passport York authentication. It can take up to six weeks to acquire a license and have it available through Omni.
Films and videos located in Scott Library
Most film and video titles may be reserved for classroom screenings and faculty course previews.
Films and videos reserved for classroom showing are ready for pickup the day before the showing and due back the day following the showing, unless other arrangements have been made. Three business days notice is required for processing.
Patrons are responsible for the pick up and return of media materials reserved for classroom screenings.
Pickup locations:
- Frost Library, Glendon campus
- Scott Library Service Desk
There are two ways to make a reservation:
- By email to
- Through the online film and video booking form
Closed captioning of film and video
Many film and video titles in the Sound and Moving Image Collection are closed captioned. If a title required for classroom instruction needs to be captioned, select that option on the online film and video booking form, or tell staff when making a reservation by email. Captioning a title can take up to six weeks.