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Build Collections

Gifts to library collections help to address the critical need for more library resources to support research and teaching, whether it is newly published books, electronic journals, database upgrades, documentary films, unique manuscripts, archival records or special collections. Personal and professional correspondence, diaries, minutes of meetings, reports, project and research files, draft manuscripts and speeches, photographs, maps, technical drawings, sound and moving recordings, and reference libraries are but some of the material that can be used by students, faculty, an international community of scholars and the public to create knowledge that enhances our understanding of humanity’s relationship with the built and natural worlds.  We hope you’ll consider these initiatives to help strengthen the Libraries now and for future generations.

Named Collection Endowment

Our Collection Endowment provides permanent funding to acquire library materials in a subject area of your choice. The principal of the endowment is invested and only the income is used to purchase the materials. For $25,000, you may establish a named endowment and electronic bookplates will be added to the library catalogue. A pledge at this level can be fulfilled over a period of up to five years. For more information about establishing an endowment, please contact the Libraries Advancement Office at 416-736-5935,

Gifts In Kind - Archival Records

Many of the distinctive collections in York University Libraries’ Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections are gifts-in-kind donations. If you have some special materials or personal papers which you think may fit with the research and teaching activities of York, please consult with us.

Please get in touch with Michael Moir, Head, Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections  at 416-736-2100 ext. 22457 to discuss a potential contribution.

Due to the high cost of storage and processing, we are unable to accept all donations. We encourage prospective donors to provide a list of materials including the title or description and condition of the items.

Gifts In Kind - Books

York University Libraries have been enriched by generous donations of books and other gifts in kind in addition to monetary gifts from members of the University community and friends of the Libraries. These donations are an important element in our collection development activities. We encourage gifts that enhance the strengths of existing collections and support the teaching and research programs, present and anticipated, of the University. Please get in touch with Adriana Bugyiova, Scholarly Resources Manager (, ext. 22798 to discuss a potential donation of books.

How to Donate Gifts in Kind

Students at York deserve a world-class library. Please help us build one. Find out how to support York University Libraries with a one-time gift, scheduled payments, or a monthly gift.