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York University Libraries (YUL) Advancing SDG 16

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Compassion and a strong moral compass is essential to every democratic society.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Yet, persecution, injustice and abuse still runs rampant and is tearing at the very fabric of civilization. Goal 16 ensures that we tackle abuse, organized crime, corruption, and violence through strong institutions and global standards of justice.


YUL works collaboratively with community leaders of the Jane-Finch Community to develop an open access research database which will be community managed to preserve and provide access to research data, scholarship and studies relating to the neighbourhood. Focused on recruiting, training, and fairly compensating community youth on research protocols, data management and other skills useful for community engaged research, the Libraries are working to foster local community expertise in order to support advocacy and community development.


YUL is working in partnership with York faculty, the community, and York‘s Research Office developing new research ethics protocols that allow the community to make choices about how research is conducted in the community, and what questions are asked. The libraries contributed to the Principles for Conducting Research in the Jane-Finch Community (2020) and are a member of ongoing steering group which oversees this work.

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