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Home » About Us » Library Policies » Digital Preservation Policy » Preservation Action Plan - Images

Preservation Action Plan - Images


The preservation plan for image content follows from policies and practices described in York University Libraries’ Digital Preservation Policy. This document explains the practical steps that York University Libraries take to preserve the intellectual content of images in digital format. It outlines the basic tools, methods, and standards used for the long-term preservation of image content. 

Content Formats 

For the preservation of audio content, York University Libraries requires uncompressed TIF versions of the content and descriptive metadata. During the ingest process, derivatives are created for viewing. York University Libraries continuously monitors developments in file formats to determine if and when formats require migration. 

Submission Format 

Image submissions generally consist of an uncompressed TIF file and associated descriptive metadata. 

Analysis on Ingest 

Upon ingest, every file is subject to identification of its file format and validation using the File Information Tool Set (FITS). The output of the FITS identification and validation processes are recorded and associated with the object. 

Content Excluded 

York University Libraries do not ingest files that are not referenced (either as part of a representation or as associated media) in the associated metadata. 

Acceptable Formats 

For the Full Preservation level for image, the acceptable format is an uncompressed TIF. Image submissions may be JP2, JPG, GIF, or PNG format, however they will be preserved at the Bit-level Preservation level

Reviewed: April 29, 2024