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Designated Community

The purpose of York University Libraries' digital preservation efforts is to ensure long-term access to a critical mass of materials of significance to our community. We emphasize Canadian scholarship, knowledge produced by our primary user community, unique library and archival holdings from our collections, and born digital university records (see Collection Policy). Our aim is to mobilize research and knowledge in an environment that allows for ease of searching, browsing, retrieval, and reuse. With this work, we make a significant and ongoing contribution to the global digital library. 

York University Libraries' primary user community consists of York University: 

  • Faculty 
  • Staff 
  • Students 
  • Affiliated researchers, and partner organizations 
  • Local community, and community stakeholders 

 Secondary user communities include: 

  • Global community of scholarship 
  • Elementary and secondary schools 
  • Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, and other Cultural Heritage Organizations 
  • Journalists 
  • Data consumers 
  • General public 
  • Bots, harvesters, and other nonhuman users 

Reviewed: April 29, 2024