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Home » Troubleshooting Omni login issues

Troubleshooting Omni login issues

The transition of library user data from our older system to Omni has been a significant success, but with any migration of this scale, there are always some issues. If you encounter issues with logging into Omni, please see below. If you continue to encounter difficulties, please email and provide your:

  • first name and last name
  • Passport York username OR your library-issued Barcode (do not include passwords/PINs)

Passport York logins

Ensure that can log into Passport York successfully on a different service/platform. For example, are you able to successfully log into Moodle? If not, the issue may be tied to your PPY account and you should follow up with UIT.

Barcode/PIN logins

Ensure that you are logging in using your library-assigned barcode and enter your PIN twice (i.e., if your PIN was 1234, enter 12341234). The library requires users to do this because the previously issued short PINs (usually 4 digits) are too short for Omni's security needs.