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York Digital Journals


York University Libraries provide an electronic journal hosting service for York-affiliated journals. This service is called York Digital Journals (YDJ). To learn more about the service, visit the York Digital Journals resource guide.

York University uses Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open source software platform developed by the Public Knowledge Project which is now in use by over 7,500 journals worldwide..

The YDJ team is happy to work with York community members to create new journals or migrate existing journals to an online environment. The libraries can provide hosting space, training documentation and troubleshooting help with the OJS software, as well as advice on dissemination and exposure.


The  journals listed below are actively publishing content. Most are publishing under an open access model.

CAML Review / Revue de l’ACBM

Canada Watch

Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes

Canadian Journal of Emergency Management

Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind

Canadian Review of Social Policy / Revue canadienne de politique sociale

Canadian Woman Studies

Contemporary Kanata

Contingent Horizons

Critical Disability Discourse

Glendon Journal of International Studies

Historical Papers: Canadian Society of Church History

International Journal for Family Research and Policy

INYI Journal: International Network on Youth Integration


Jan Rehner Prize for Writing

Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies

Journal of Income Distribution

Journal of the Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement

Journal of Narrative Politics

Left History

LOBO: Annals of Sulawesi Research

New Sociology: Journal of Critical Praxis

The Northern Mariner / Le marin du nord

Notes Guillevic Notes

Noteworthy: The LA&PS Writing Prizes

The Oracle

Pivot: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and Thought


Revue CMC Review

Revue YOUR Review

SKRIB: Critical Studies in Writing Programs and Pedagogy

Social History / Histoire Sociale

Tusaaji: A Translation Review

UnderCurrents: Journal of Critical Environmental Studies

Working papers in Applied Linguistics and Linguistics at York (WALLY)

Witness: The Canadian Journal of Critical Nursing Discourse

York University Criminological Review (YUCR)

YU-WRITE: Journal of Graduate Student Research in Education

Journal Archives

The following journals either no longer publish through York University or have ceased operations.


Health Tomorrow: Interdisciplinarity and Internationality

Healthy Dialogue

History and Political Science Journal


International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory

Journal of Public Policy, Administration, and Law

Just Labour


Paul Claudel Papers

Problem as Inspiration: A Journal of the York Entrepreneurship Development Institute


Scripta Mediterranea

Strategies of Critique


Theoria and Praxis: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Thought


York University Bulletins and Newsletters

York University Libraries provides stable, perpetual access for York community publications, including newsletters and bulletins. Libraries also host web archives several University web sites, including YFile. These web archives are accessible via York University Digital Library. Consult the Clara Thomas Archives and Special Collections community and the Web Archives community to view a full list of these collections.

Pro Tem

CORE Newsletter (ceased publication)

York University Bulletin (ceased publication)