Digital Scholarship
Learning is Digital
Foster a dynamic educational experience for students, both inside and outside the classroom. Discover (and contribute to) a universe of freely-available educational resources; and turn "term papers" into collaborative, online digital exhibits. We can help.
Open education
Embrace the growing community of Open Education practitioners by using, adapting, and sharing Open Educational Resources (OER):
- Find and share Open Educational Resources (OER)
- Take our online course on OER creation and licensing:
- Learn how to reserve and share your open resources in our YorkSpace repository

Animated curriculum
Use open pedagogy techniques to bring your teaching to life in new ways:
- Learn about experiential education (from the Teaching Commons)
- Get support, including access to space and equipment, from the Scott Media Creation Lab
- Request one of our Librarians / Archivists to come to your class
- Resources for remote and online teaching (from the Teaching Commons)
Digital Extracurriculars
Take learning outside the classroom with events designed to drive problem-solving, collaboration, and new knowledge creation. Here are some popular options:

Work with us!

Upcoming Workshops

Get In Touch
Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is available under a Creative Commons-Attribution 4.0 License