For enquiries, please contact
Film Class Bookings: Please complete the film and video booking form.
- Note that if there is no streaming option available for a film and the library owns the DVD then instructors may request a DVD for synchronous online in-class use. To start the process, use the film and video booking form and library staff will contact you with further details.
- Booked films will be available for pick-up at the Frost (Glendon), Markham and Scott Library service desks.
Sound and Moving Image Collection Course Reserves:
- Sound and Moving Image Collection course reserve items can be requested at the Scott service desk. Portable DVD players are available for loan if required.
CDs/DVDs Unavailable for Loan? Book an appointment to access in the Scott Library
If you wish to view or listen to a DVD or CD that you cannot borrow, please make an appointment to listen or view the resources in the library. Appointments are generally available Monday to Friday, between 9am and 3pm. Two business days notice is required. Available to students, staff, faculty, alumni and other community users. Please bring photo ID and your own headphones. Fill out this form to schedule an appointment and library staff will be in touch within the next business day to confirm your appointment.
Sound and Moving Image Collection 7 Day Loan Materials:
- Regular loan materials from the Sound and Moving Image Collection can be requested through Omni and picked up in the library book lockers or at the Bronfman, Frost, Markham, Scott or Steacie service desks. Please see the Book Lockers, Omni & Storage Requests page for more information on the requesting process and the library book lockers.